Recent Publications

Author Year-Month
ICESat-2 laser Nd:YVO4 amplifier Sawruk, N.W,; Burns, P. M.; Edwards, R.E.; Litvinovitch, V.; Martin, N.; Witt, G.; Fakhoury, E.; Iskander, J.; Pronko, M.S.; Troupaki, E.; Bay, M.M.; He, C.C.; Wang, L.L.; Cavanaugh, J.F.; Farrokh, B.; Salem, J.A.; Baker, E.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) Activities and Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) at GSFC Jones, Justin S.
Mechanical Properties of a High Lead Glass Used in the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer Jonathan A. Salem; Nathan A. Smith; Ersahin, Akif
Physical and Mechanical Properties of LoVAR: A New Lightweight Particle-Reinforced Fe-36Ni Alloy Stephenson, Timothy; Tricker, David; Tarrant, Andrew;Michel, Robert; Clune, Jason
Analyses of Hubble Space Telescope Aluminized-Teflon Multilayer Insulation Blankets Retrieved After 19 Years of Space Exposure de Groh, Kim K., Perry, Bruce A., Mohammed, Jelila S., Banks, Bruce
Nondestructive Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing State-of-the-Discipline Report Waller, Jess M.; Parker, Bradford H.; Hodges, Kenneth L.; Burke, Eric R.; Walker, James L.
Use of a New Portable Instrumented Impactor on the NASA Composite Crew Module Damage Tolerance Program Jackson, Wade C.; Polis, Daniel L.
Materials and Process Activities for NASA's Composite Crew Module Polis, Daniel L.
Evaluation of Brazed Joints Using Failure Assessment Diagram Flom, Yury
Blocking contacts for N-type cadmium zinc telluride Parker, Bradford H.; Stahle, Carl M.; Babu, Sachidananda R.
Failure Assessment Diagram for Titanium Brazed Joints Flom, Yury; Jones, Justin S.; Powell, Mollie M.; Puckett, David F.
Comparative Study of 3-Dimensional Woven Joint Architectures for Composite Spacecraft Structures Jones, Justin S.; Polis, Daniel L.; Segal, Kenneth N.
Small-Scale Mechanical Testing of Space-Exposed Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene Film Obtained From the Hubble Space Telescope Jones, Justin S., Sharon, John A., Mohammed, Jelila S., Hemker, Kevin J.
A Method of Strengthening Composite/Metal Joints Polis, Daniel L.
Comparative Study of 3-Dimensional Woven Joint Architectures for Composite Spacecraft Structures Jones, Justin S.; Polis, Daniel L.; Rowles, Russell R.; Segal, Kenneth N.
Probability of Detection (POD) Demonstration Transferability Parker, Bradford H.;
Probability of Detection (POD) Demonstration Transferability: Phase II Parker, Bradford H.
Effect of Liquid Penetrant Sensitivity on Probability of Detection Parker, Bradford H.
A Comparison of the Capability of Sensitivity Level 3 and Sensitivity Level 4 Fluorescent Penetrants to Detect Fatigue Cracks in Various Metals Parker, Bradford H.
Micrometeoroid Impacts and Optical Scatter in Space Environment Heaney, James B.; Wang, Liqin L.; He, Charles C.
A Comparison of the Capability of Sensitivity Level 3 and Sensitivity Level 4 Fluorescent Penetrants to Detect Fatigue Cracks in Aluminum Parker, Bradford, H.
Evaluation of Margins of Safety in Brazed Joints Yury Flom, Len Wang, Mollie M. Powell
Simulation of a Miniature, Low-Power Time-of-Flight Mass Todd T. King; Stephanie A. Getty; Patrick A. Roman; Federico A. Herrero; Hollis H. Jones; Duncan M. Kahle; Bernard Lynch; George Suárez; William B. Brinckerhoff; Paul R. Mahaffy;
Contamination of Critical Surfaces from NVR Glove Residues Via Dry Handling and Solvent Cleaning [NASA/TM-2004-212752] Sovinski
Flaw Tolerance in Lap Shear Brazed Joints Flom, et. al.